Signed in as:
Jabez Beebe, CAPT
Enos Brockett, SOL
Eleazer Bulkley, PVT, MAR
Joseph Cady, LT COL
Asa Corbin, PVT
Jonathan Gaylord, SGT
Nathaniel Goss, ENS
Philip Goss, PS
Clement Gosselin, MAJ, PS
John Higley, Jr., PS
Stephen Lindsey, PVT
Timothy Marvin, ENS, PS
Martin McNary, Jr., PVT
Joseph Sexon, PVT
Robert Prettyman, SGT, PS
Samuel Jacob Axson, STAFFOFF, PS
John Cooper, LT COL
Daniel Dampier, SGT
William Stanford, PS
Christopher Durbin, PS
Nicholas Dorsey, PS
William Grace, PVT
John Kennard, Jr., PVT
John Phebus, PVT, PS
Joseph Warfield, LT
William Whitham, PS
John Adams, SDI, PS
John Adams, SMN, PS
Nehemiah Bates, PVT
Samuel Beall, CPL
Joseph Blood, CS
Samuel Bowden, PVT
David Brigham, PVT
William Brown, CS
Samuel Burbank, SGT
George Conant, Sr., PVT
Francis Ellis, CPL
William Everett, PVT
Aaron Fairchild, PVT
Simeon Hayward, PVT
Philip Hooker, PVT
Dan Huxley, PVT
Richard Ireson, PS
Samuel Kingsbury, CS
William Lang, VOL
Francis Luce, PVT
James Lyon, SMN
Thomas Martin, CS
Francis Merrifield, 2LT
Samuel Owen, PVT
Stephen Penniman, MAJ
John Sargent, PVT
Jonathan Shaw, MAJ
Elias Staples, Sr., PVT
Nicholas Tucker, PVT
Edward Robinson, PVT
Nathaniel Gilman, LT
Ebenezer Hill, PS
Stephen Langmaid, PVT
Jonathan Morse, PVT
Asael Smith, PVT
Nathaniel Ayer, CS, PS
Elisha Cook, PS
Peter Danforth, SOL
Noadiah Dickinson, PVT
Josiah Hall, CAPT
Jehiel Marsh, PVT
Johannis Van Horn, PS
Henry Boyce, PVT
John Gott, SOL
Melancthon Lloyd Woolsey, MAJ GEN
David Phillips, PVT
William Camp, PS
John Cannon, PS
John Craven, CS
William Brown, CS
John Franklin, PS
William Goldston, CAPT
James Herndon, CAPT
Richard Herring, CS, PS
Robert Hill, CPT
Martin Houser, CS
John Kelly, PS PVT
Henry Kelly, CPL
James McCrory, ENS
Thomas McCrory, CAPT
Peter Rust, PVT
John Stroud, PVT
John Wilkinson, PVT
John Wilson, PVT
Eli Allen, PVT
Benjamin Bartholomew, CAPT, PS
Rudolf Bollinger, PVT
George Davis, PVT, PS
John Fell, PVT
Michael Jack, PVT
Samuel Kookogey, MUS
Jacob Lauman, PVT
John Lynn, PS
John Adam Mensch, PVT
George Orwig, PVT
Christian Raffensperger, PVT
Thomas Ross, PVT
Jacob Tritt, PS, CAPT
Joseph Wilson, PVT
Cornelius Wood, PVT
John Bethea, PS
Marmaduke Coats, PS
Andrew Feaster, PS
Henry Getzendanner, PS
Benjamin Hodge, PVT
John Howard, PVT
Robert Howard, PS
Edward Jackson, PVT
Joseph Emanuel Lyon, PVT
John Mahan, MAJ
William McDowell, WGN
John McWhorter, PVT
John Nunn, SGT, PS
John Rains, SGT
John Rikard, SOL
Richardson Roundtree, SOL, PS
James Simrall, LT, CS
Andrew Weed, SOL
Watts Hubbard, PVT
Stephen Ashby, CAPT
William Bailey, PS
William Bibb Key, PVT
Jeremiah Boone, PVT
Robert Bowen, CAPT
Robert Bratton, PS
Mary X Collins, PS
John Colgan, PVT
Benjamin Copeland, PVT
William Crawford, COL
Thomas Crow, PS
John Crum, SOL, PS
Adam Cunningham, Jr., PS
Joseph Curd, LT
Joseph Duncan, PS
Samuel Dyer, PVT
John Jacob Fast, PS
Daniel Gould, PS
Joshua Hawkins, PS, PVT
Benjamin Hendricks, CAPT, CS
Jesse Hodges, PS, SOL
Benjamin Hornbeck, SGT
Jonathan Jackson, PVT
Jeremiah Patrick, CS, PS
George Reynolds, LT
Jesse Rowe, PVT
Thomas Rowe, PVT
William Smith, PS
James Taylor, CPL
William Whitley, Jr., SOL
AS – On Associators List
BRIG GEN – Brigadier General
CAPT – Captain
COL – Colonel
CPL - Corporal
CS - Civil Service
DRUMMER – Drummer
ENS – Ensign
LT COL – Lieutenant Colonel
LT – Lieutenant
MAJ – Major
MAJ GEN - Major General
MAR - Marines
MILITIA – Militia
MUS - Musician
PS – Patriotic Service
POW – Prisoner of War
PVE – Private & Marine on Ship Defense
RANGER – Ranger
SMN – Seaman
2ND LT – Second Lieutenant
SGT – Sergeant
SDI – Signer of the Declaration of Independence
STAFF OFF - Staff Officer
SOL – Soldier
SURGEON – Surgeon
VOL – Volunteer
WGN - Wagoneer
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